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Atomic: M.A.C. | Reference
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Reactions of Rhodium
Reactions with water
Rhodium does not react with water under standard conditions.
Reactions with air
Rhodium is generally inert in air, when heated with oxygen at 600°C rhodium(III) oxide is produced.
  4Rh(s) + 3O2(g)2Rh2O3(s)
Reactions with halogens
Under anhydrous conditions rhodium will form trihalides with fluorine, chlorine and bromine.
  2Rh(s) + 3F2(g)2RhF3(s)
  2Rh(s) + 3Cl2(g)2RhCl3(s)
  2Rh(s) + 3Br2(l)2RhBr3(s)
Rhodium reacts directly with fluorine gas to form the highly corrosive rhodium(VI) fluoride.
  Rh(s) + 3F2(g)RhF6(s)
Reactions with acids
Rhodium is reknowned for being inert to acids, including aqua regia.
Reduction Potentials
Balanced half-reaction E0 / V
Rh3+ + 3e-Rh(s) +0.8
RhCl63- + 3e-Rh(s) + 6Cl- +0.44
Rh2O3(s) + 6H+ + 6e-2Rh(s) + 3H2O +0.87
RhO2 + 4H+ + 6Cl- + e-RhCl63- + 2H2O +1.4
RhO2+ + 2H+ + e-Rh3+ + H2O +1.40
RhO42- + 6H+ + 2e-RhO2+ + 3H2O +1.46